Even if your interest in art is minimal The Galleries of the Academy remain a must to visit during your stay in Venice. The complex consists of 3 distinct buildings: the Great School of Santa Maria della Carità, the homonymous Gothic Church and the Hall of the Palladian Convent of the Lateranan Canonics.
A must for anyone with even the slightest interest in art! The former church and convent of Santa Maria della Carita, with additions by Palladio, hosts a collection that follows the progression of Venetiatian art from teh 14th to the 18th centuries.
Inside are such works as: Giorgione's La Tempesta, Paolo Veronese's Fest in the House of Levi, may works by Titian including Pieta and Presentation of the Virgin. The core of the collection was assembled in 1756. The interesting collection of buildings house an extensive collection, including many works that are quite tremendous in size and cover entire walls. The Feast in the House of Levi was particularly impressive.
Artists that are featured prominently include Vittorio Carpaccio, Jacopo Robusti detto Tintoretto, Gentile Bellini, Giovanni Bellini and Giorgio da Castelfranco detto Giorgione.
The Galleries of the Academy are open at the following times:
During special events, entry prices may change.For information and reservations: +39 041 5200345
In the neighborood, staying in the Academy area, there are locations and museums to visit, starting with the Punta della Dogana, the new Museum of Modern Art tied to Palazzo Grassi; the Chiesa della Salute and the Magazzini del Sale.
The Peggy Guggenheim Museum for the magnificent collection of works of art but also for the views that the palace offers on the Grand Canal. Don't miss the beautiful walk on the Zattere.